Cooperation with the United Kingdom was discussed by President Maia Sandu and the head of the British diplomacy

The President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, met with the Foreign Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, James Cleverly, in Chisinau. The officials discussed the security situation in our region and Moldovan-British cooperation.

"Great Britain supports us in the modernization of the defence sector, the customs sector and the fight against border traffic, and helps us to maintain stability and order in the country. We appreciated the British Government's support for good governance programmes in our country, which promote anti-corruption policies, improvement of the business environment, and reform of the justice, banking and energy sectors. The United Kingdom contributes to the development of civil society and independent media in Moldova, and, in the context of the hybrid attacks generated by Russia, we also want to work together in the fight against disinformation", stressed the head of state.

President Maia Sandu also discussed with Minister Cleverly the signing of the agreement on the mutual conversion of driving licences and trade cooperation. "We want to increase the access of Moldovan products to the UK market and increase the volume of investments in Moldova. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Minister Cleverly for the £10 million package announced today to support economic development and increase the country's energy independence," the President concluded.