Moldovan president meets dancers of famous National folk dance ensemble

President Igor Dodon paid today a working visit to the headquarters of the National Academic Ensemble of Folk Dance "Joc", as a result of the discussion hold recently with Vladimir Curbet, artistic leader of the ensemble.

"The young artists impressed me by their talent, skill of interpretation of folk dances, dedication they devote to the chosen profession. This convinced me that ensemble "Joc" continues to exist and is likely to regain its status of masterpiece of our national heritage," said the President.

In discussions with the assembly artists and collaborators, there were discussed several pressing issues and identified solutions to address them, which would lead to the recovery of "Joc", as it used to be.

"We decided to identify sources, in the nearest future, to repair the building where the assembly works. There will also be established conditions to enhance motivation of artists for keeping them in the country. I will give indications that by the end of this year to be organized a tour of ensemble "Joc" in the Russian Federation and other countries," the President said.

Finally, Igor Dodon expressed confidence that after the meeting, the jewelry of Moldovan culture will have a future.