President Igor Dodon today met President of the Venice Commission Gianni Buquicchio

President Igor Dodon today met President of the Venice Commission Gianni Buquicchio.

The sides exchanged opinions about issues related to possible amendment to the Constitution, electoral legislation, as well as other laws. Dodon opted for operating amendments to the Constitution to give additional powers to the president as regards dissolution of parliament. “On the one hand, this is the desire of most citizens, on the other hand, the amendments ensure balance between the presidential institution and parliament,” he said. Dodon informed the official that a legislative initiative had been presented in this respect, and noted that if it is not supported in parliament, we will follow the way of consulting the people of Moldova.

Gianni Buquicchio declared for balancing powers and assured that the institution would back any action which was in line with generally accepted international standards. The sides have agreed that the draft amendment of the Constitution and other laws should be submitted to the Venice Commission by late week.

Referring to an eventual change of the Electoral Code, the head of state opted for preserving current electoral system, and pointed out the need to operate amendments meant to ensure an efficient right to vote of all Moldovans wherever they are, as well as representation of our citizens in diaspora and citizens of the left bank of the Dniestre in parliament.

The officials agreed to boost cooperation at the expert level.