Igor Dodon meets Deputy Head of Kremlin Administration Dmitri Kozak in Moscow

During his working visit to Moscow, President of the Republic of Moldova Igor Dodon has had a productive meeting today with Dmitry Kozak, Deputy Head of the Kremlin Administration and Special Representative of the Russian President for the Development of Trade and Economic Relations with the Republic of Moldova.

The officials have discussed a wide range of issues dealing with bilateral relations between our countries. In particular, the parties have agreed that the next meeting of the Moldovan-Russian intergovernmental commission on trade and economic cooperation will take place in Chisinau in October this year, where a number of important bilateral agreements are planned to be signed.

The interlocutors have separately touched upon the issue of providing a Russian loan in the amount of 200 million euros to support economic agents and the population of Moldova during this difficult period. Igor Dodon and Dmitry Kozak have agreed that in the coming days, negotiations will be held between representatives of the Governments of the Republic of Moldova and the Russian Federation.

The officials have noted the good dynamics of the export of Moldovan goods to the Russian market after the Russian Government had extended the period of duty-free import of a number of leading agro-industrial goods, which gives our producers the opportunity to save significant funds.

In this context, the head of state has discussed with the Russian side the problem of permits for the transit of Moldovan goods to Russia through the territory of Ukraine. The relevant specialized departments have received instructions to resolve this issue as soon as possible on mutually beneficial terms.

In addition, Igor Dodon has agreed with Dmitry Kozak to work out in the near future the possibility of the Russian side to provide gratuitous humanitarian aid in the form of diesel fuel (several tens of thousands of tons) to support Moldovan agricultural producers most affected by the prolonged drought.