President of the country Igor Dodon held a meeting with Chairwoman of the Federation Council, Valentina Matvienko

During the dialogue, he expressed satisfaction about the rapid development of the initiated political dialogue at the level of the heads of state and about the fully implementation of the agreements that were reached at the meetings with President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin.

"I thanked the Russian side for the decisions that were taken, according to which more than 180 enterprises from both banks of the river Nistru gained access to the Russian market. In 2017, the export of several categories of products, such as fruits, vegetables, wine and canned food, increased by an average of 3-4 times.

He expressed gratitude for the measures that were taken in order to legalize Moldovan labor migrants on the territory of the Russian Federation. “Thanks to these measures, many of our compatriots took advantage of the migration amnesty and got an opportunity to continue working in Russia, „said Igor Dodon.

At the same time, the President expressed his regret about the provocative actions of the parliamentary majority and the government in Chisinau against Russia, noting that this is a geopolitical step of desperation in the absence of tangible results regarding domestic policy. This is the position of one political party, the Democratic Party, which almost completely lost the support of the voters.

In this context, Igor Dodon thanked the leadership of the Russian Federation for the fact that, despite all these provocations, there are not taken measures that could harm the people of Moldova, and not the representatives of the Democratic Party.

Particular attention was paid to the settlement of the Transnistrian conflict. The head of state reiterated his position that the settlement should be achieved only in the "5 + 2" negotiation format.

“We are now taking concrete steps towards the problems facing citizens from both banks of the river Nistru with the hope that in the nearest future we will solve many of them” the president said.

In the course of the conversation, Igor Dodon noted that cooperation between the regions of the Gagauz autonomy and the regions of Russia brings results, and this cooperation needs to be expanded and intensified.

The Head of State opted for further development and deepening of Moldo-Russian cooperation in all areas of mutual interest, especially in the sphere of economy, investment, social and cultural-humanitarian spheres.

At the end of the meeting, the President of the country invited Ms. Matvienko to visit the Republic of Moldova in the next year.