President met with the Polish Ambassador to Moldova

Igor Dodon held a meeting with Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Poland to Moldova Bartlomey Zhdanyuk. At the meeting, the sides discussed various aspects of bilateral relations between our countries. The Head of State highly appreciated the fact that Poland remained one of our most active European partners in all areas, and in foreign trade is one of the top 10 trade partners.

"We exchanged views on the domestic and foreign policy of the Republic of Moldova. In this context, I mentioned that today, June 27, marks the 4th anniversary of signing of the Association Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union," said Dodon.

"At the same time, it is necessary to state the lack of reforms and real results on many provisions of the Association Agreement. Incidentally or not, it was on the eve of that date that the Supreme Court adopted a controversial decision to abolish results of the local elections in the capital's municipality. Most likely, such examples eloquently testify to the "successes" in the implementation of the Association Agreement, in which the reform of the justice system is one of the fundamental foundations.

The Republic of Moldova needs genuine reforms to improve the quality of life of its citizens. Any imitation of the implementation of the Agreement by pro-European rulers over the past nine years is detrimental to both the Republic of Moldova and the image of our foreign partners.

I informed the Ambassador about accepting the invitation of the President of the country, Mr. Andrzej Duda to make a visit to Poland in December this year," the Head of State noted.