President of the Republic of Moldova Igor Dodon met today in Sochi with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin.

Igor Dodon once again thanked the Russian leader for a number of positive decisions on the export of Moldovan products to the Russian market and an amnesty for labor migrants. During eight months of 2017 the export of Moldovan products to the Russian market has increased several times in some positions for the first time in the last 10 years. Migration amnesty was used by tens of thousands of our compatriots working in Russia, he said.

“I expressed the wish that trade and economic ties between our countries should be restored in full. I expressed my sincere interest in the further development of cooperation with the Russian Federation within the CIS and other associations. I stressed the importance for Moldova of obtaining observer status under the Eurasian Economic Union," the President said after the meeting.

The Head of State also noted that Moldova counts on the further active participation of the Russian Federation in the negotiation process on the Transnistrian settlement.

"We hope to continue supporting Russia in promoting the Transnistrian settlement process and are interested in real progress in this regard this year. I reiterated Moldova's position on the Transnistrian question: we consistently support the political settlement of the Transnistrian conflict within the framework of the 5 + 2 negotiation format on the basis of respect for the principles of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova, with the granting of a special status to Transnistria. We are determined to further promote the direct dialogue between Chisinau and Tiraspol at the level of leaders, political representatives and working groups to address the pressing problems that the population faces on both sides of the river Nistru, as well as at the level of representatives of civil society. I once again noted the positive role that the current peacekeeping operation has played with the participation of the Russian peacekeepers”, he said.

Anti-Russian demarches of the current parliamentary majority and the government became a separate topic of the conversation.

“The government and the parliamentary majority, controlled by the Western countries, are trying to undermine the relations between our countries. I stated that I categorically condemn any anti-Russian manifestations in the activities of the Moldovan authorities, such as deportations of the Russian officials, journalists and artists, and anti-Russian propaganda of the state-run media. I assured the Russian president that I will not sign any anti-Russian law, even if the parliamentary majority votes for it again: the draft law on banning the broadcasting of the Russian news and information and analytical programs on the territory of Moldova," the President added.

As part of the conversation, Igor Dodon asked his Russian counterpart to support the application of the Republic of Moldova to obtain observer status under the Eurasian Economic Union. He also asked to expand the list of Moldovan enterprises that will be granted access to the Russian market and grant a migration amnesty to Moldovan citizens whose violations fell under Article 27 of the Federal Law No. 114.

“I am sure that our relations with Russia, the main strategic partner of Moldova, will only grow stronger, despite all the obstacles," Igor Dodon summed up the results of the meeting.