President Maia Sandu spoke with the head of the IMF Mission in Moldova

The President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, met today with Ruben Atoyan, the head of the International Monetary Fund Mission in our country. The IMF official is in Chisinau to assess the impact of the war in Ukraine on the Republic of Moldova and to identify solutions to support our country. The discussion focused on the situation in the region, the crisis in the energy sector and rising commodity prices. Interlocutors agreed that the Republic of Moldova needs a resilience plan in order to be able to respond to the numerous crises.

The IMF representative praised the authorities' efforts in providing compensations to help citizens during this difficult time. In her turn, President Sandu mentioned that our country still needs the support of the IMF. The Head of State also stressed the need to review and adjust the program with the IMF so that it takes into account the new realities that Moldova is facing: the flow of refugees, rising prices, the situation on the energy and gas markets.