President Maia Sandu discussed security, anti-corruption measures, and energy resilience in Munich

On the first day of the Munich Security Conference, President Maia Sandu participated in a round table dedicated to the experience of different countries and international organisations in fighting corruption, where she spoke about the commitment of the Moldovan authorities to eliminate this scourge from our country while sanctioning all those who embezzled public money. To combat this phenomenon, the head of state called for closer cooperation between various European countries' investigative and law enforcement bodies.

On Friday, the President also discussed with Frans Timmermans, the Executive Vice-President of the European Commission, what is being done to secure Moldova's energy sector, including the transition to green energy. In this context, President Maia Sandu expressed her gratitude for the support of our European partners who have helped us diversify our energy sources.

Also on the first day of the event, President Maia Sandu met with Svenja Schulze, the Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development of the Federal Republic of Germany, and a group of deputies from the CDU/CSU ruling coalition in the German legislature. The head of state thanked the German partners for their help in overcoming current crises, especially the energy crisis, as well as for the Resolution on the continuation of support for the Republic of Moldova adopted by the German Bundestag last December.