President Maia Sandu met with Eduard Raul Hellvig, director of the Romanian Intelligence Service

The President of the Republic of Moldova Maia Sandu discussed today possible options for reforming the national security sector with Eduard Raul Hellvig, the director of the Romanian Intelligence Service, who is on a working visit to Chisinau.

The dialogue addressed the topics currently on the agenda of the whole region: the increased level of security risks, the possibility of increased arms trafficking, terrorist and cyber-attacks, radicalization and disinformation.

During the discussion, the Head of State mentioned the security objectives for the relevant institutions of the Republic of Moldova, namely: 1) transparency of the work of the Intelligence and Security Service, 2) development of an effective parliamentary control mechanism over the national security domain, 3) increasing citizens' trust in the institutions responsible for the security of the country's information space, and 4) effective regional and international cooperation.