President Nicolae Timofti meets speakers of Baltic and Northern States

President Nicolae Timofti today met Parliament speakers of the Baltic and Northern States (NB-8).

They participate in a summit that brings together, in premiere in Chisinau, the speakers from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Norway.

Timofti said that the political and economic exchanges between the Baltic and Northern States represented a proof of cooperation for the Eastern European countries. He said Moldova would take over the example of the Baltic and Northern States as regards the implementation of reforms, efficiency of state institutions and fight against corruption.

Timofti voiced hope that after the signing of the Association Agreement on 27 June 2014, the parliaments from the Baltic and Northern States would ratify the documents.

In another context, the head of state said he watches with concern the events from Ukraine.

Swedish Speaker Per Westerberg expressed the firm political support of the Baltic and Northern States for sovereignty and territorial integrity of Moldova and Ukraine.

The European official welcomed Moldova’s European aspirations. “The decisions on Moldova’s future are not taken in Moscow, Brussels or Washington, but they entirely belong to Moldovan people”, Per Westerberg said. “The signing of the Association Agreement will boost building a prosperous and democratic society in Moldova”, he added.

Latvian Speaker Solvita Aboltina opted for solidarity of the European countries to the Eastern Partnership states. “We back Moldova’s European integration. We will provide financial and technical assistance to the Moldovan authorities as their efforts on the country’s modernisation should be successful”, said.