Moldovan president attends inauguration of European Town

President Nicolae Timofti today attended the inauguration of the European Town – 2016.

The ceremony took place in the Chisinau-based Stefan cel Mare public garden and was organised by the European Union Delegation to Moldova, in the context of marking the Europe Day. 

In the speech given at the event, the head of state referred to Moldova’s respect for the substantial contribution brought by the European Union to the country. At the same time, the president highlighted the complicated international situation we are going through.  

Here is the text of the president’s speech:

”Your Excellencies Ladies and Gentlemen,

Ambassadors and Representatives of Diplomatic Missions,

Dear Guests,

Dear Citizens,

Ladies and Gentlemen,  

I am glad that we are together today, in an atmosphere of holiday, full of confidence, in order to continue carrying our spiritual actions dedicated to the Day of Europe. Of a peaceful and united Europe, the foundation stone of which the French foreign minister Robert Schuman put 66 years ago.    

Following the consequences of the most painful event in the history – the World War II - the nations of Europe made creative efforts, in order to revive the national industries and economies, to improve the living standards, to maintain the world peace, avoiding the third world war.

“Europe will not be made all at once, or according to a single plan. It will be built through concrete achievements which first create a de facto solidarity,” the Schuman Declaration reads. The united Europe has presently become a fortress of democracy, values of freedom, transparency, diversity and inclusion – values which express, in fact, the essence of the European Union.  

The challenges, however, have not avoided the Europe of the 21st century either. Thus, the old continent presently faces one of the biggest crises of the flows of migrants, as well as the fragile security in the eastern neighbourhood. I am firmly sure that, thanks to the solidarity, unity of the European governments and nations, relevant solutions to overcome this situation will be found.   

We are by the side and experienced the same emotions and deep sympathy and solidarity for those who suffered in the wake of the bloody attacks from Madrid, London, Brussels and Paris. We shared our common pain, just as it happens in a united, friendly family.

In this context, I affirm with a natural pride that Moldova is one of the states with European vocation and aspirations, for which the enlargement of the European Union has become a national strategic priority.

The day of 2 July 2014, when the Moldovan parliament ratified the Moldova – European Union Association Agreement, remained one of reference in the history of our state. On 8 July 2014, I promulgated the law on ratification of the Moldova – European Union Association Agreement. Presently, the European Agreement has been ratified by all 28 European Union member states.    

The free movement for the Moldovans starting from 28 April 2014 added another victory on our European agenda and represents an encouraging political message on behalf of the European partners. So far, over 800,000 citizens of Moldova have travelled to the free European space, without interdictions and restrictions. The freedom of movement, just as the freedom of expression, embodies two fundamental values of the numerous European family, we want to fully belong to.  

The European Way is irreversible for us. We need policies and politicians, who are to ensure the implementation in due time of the provisions of the Moldova - European Union Association Agreement, we need politicians with political will, in order to cut off the scourge of corruption from the state’s institutions and our daily life.

We further rely on the support of the development partners in advancing on the road of European reforms. We will be able to ensure the well-being of our people only in this way. We need to recover the citizens’ trust in the state’s institutions, to ensure the latter’s independence from the political factor. The lack of trust between the people and its leaders is the biggest threat to progress and the society’s democratization. We must cope with this country image crisis together.  

The advancement on the bilateral agenda European Union – Moldova comprises more national objectives, of which the edification of the state based on the rule of law, a market economy, connection to the European energy networks. I want to stress the fact that, due to the financial support provided by the European Union, government of Romania, the Iasi-Ungheni gas pipeline was constructed, which is to be extended to Chisinau and then all over the country. The diversification of the energy market implies consolidation of the independence and removing vulnerabilities of our state to the geopolitical factor.    

Dear Fellow Countrymen,

Europe means democracy built on pillars of a participatory political culture. In this respect, we are set to awaken the civic conscience, raise the level of political culture. On 30 October, we are to elect the president of the republic by direct and universal vote. The participatory culture, in the spirit of European traditions, means, however, giving a conscious, rational, well-though out vote, but not one bought with “electoral alms.” Whether we will move towards a European future or will choose the end of the conservation of the scourge of corruption and state institutions checked by the political factor depends on us. To do the change up to the end, our duty is to edify an authentic rule of law state, based on European principles and values, in which the dictatorship of law in the citizens’ interest should dominate, not in the one of the political parties or groups of interests.    

Moldova deserves its presence in the big European family. In this respect, all progressive political forces need to join, citizens are to unite for the sake of a prosperous and predictable future of our children. The European Union is our common denominator. And I would like to be the last president of the country ahead of Moldova getting the status of state candidate for the European Union.

Long live, Europe!

Long live, Republic of Moldova, on the irreversible way to the European Union!”