Moldovan president orders set of actions on liquidation of natural disasters’ consequences

Regarding the situation created by unfavorable climatic conditions, Moldovan President Igor Dodon ordered the total mobilization of the National Army to remove the consequences of natural disasters and asked the Government and the state institutions to take all the necessary actions for liquidation of the consequences.

The head of state asked competent authorities to assess the need for financial and humanitarian aid that can be granted in the coming days and in the future, as well as the risks of possible floods and other negative consequences that may occur.

Also, Igor Dodon asked the local public authorities to ensure the proper functioning of the institutions, including the connection to the thermal agent, especially those of a social character, hospitals, polyclinics, as well as the housing stock as the case may be or requests from the population.

The press service of the presidential institution mentions that the Presidency together with the Government examine the opportunity to address Parliament in order to declare the state of exceptional situation, this being the direct prerogative of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova in accordance with articles 12-15 of the Law on the state of emergency, siege and of War 212/24.06.2004.

At the same time, all options are addressed to external partners, international institutions and organizations, states, for financial and humanitarian aid in order to eliminate the consequences of the created situation.

The President addressed the population of the Republic of Moldova in order to involve the citizens of Moldova during this difficult period in the process of eliminating the consequences. At the same time, the President calls on everyone to address the situation with utmost care, to take into account the security and protection rules, especially for children, the elderly and people in difficulty of a different type.