Moldovan president congratulates on occasion of Prosecutor's employee day

Dear prosecutors,

Civilian staff and veterans of the Prosecutor,

On the 25th anniversary of formation of the Public Prosecutor of the Republic of Moldova, I extend my sincere congratulations, accompanied by selected wishes of health and success.

The Prosecution institution is a pillar of our country's statehood, since certain responsibilities, role Prosecutor workers to stay on law, order guard and contribute to justice. Otherwise, every prosecutor should refer to this system as a fundamental value and guarantee the rule of law. As such, your tasks are not easy and require high professionalism, courage and a strong sense of duty.

Although, unfortunately, at present, the Prosecutor’s offices do not enjoy confidence of the population, and the blame for that falls in the first place, on some representatives of the political class who let political interference in your work, I am confident that independence and many of those who administer impartial justice act will contribute to strengthening a fair justice sector and enpowering Moldova's statehood.

Similarly, I must express my gratitude to those who, despite the difficulties currently faced by Moldova, remain loyal to the profession, fulfilling conscientiously their duties and making contribution to strengthening the rule of law and defending human rights and fundamental freedoms of citizens.

On this nice anniversary, I wish you and to your families trust in tomorrow and new achievements towards prosperity of our Motherland.