The head of state met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania

The President of the Republic of Moldova, Igor DODON, had a meeting with Linas LINKEVICIUS, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania.

The President welcomed the visit of the head of the Lithuanian diplomacy to the Republic of Moldova, noting that this visit has a symbolic connotation, as it is paid in an anniversary year - 25 years of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Moldova and the Republic of Lithuania. The sides exchanged views related to the current state of Moldovan-Lithuanian relations, advocating for their intensification and extension in all areas of common interest.

Igor Dodon noted that an active political dialogue has been established between our countries and highly appreciated Lithuania's active support for joint projects here in Moldova.

The Head of State expressed strong interest in harnessing the potential for economic cooperation between Moldova and Lithuania, including that the attraction of Lithuanian investments in the Moldovan economy.