President Maia Sandu's press statement after the meeting with the President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, and the Federal Chancellor of Germany, Olaf Scholz

Good afternoon,

Dear President Klaus Iohannis, Dear Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz,

Thank you for the invitation to join the trilateral talks with Romania and Germany here in Bucharest.

It is very important for us and I am glad that the Republic of Moldova is a dialogue partner with Romania and Germany. The projects we carry out together will bring real benefits to citizens and anchor us strongly in the European space.

On Friday, at the invitation of President Zelenskyy, I participated in the summit in Bucha, freed from the occupation of Russian troops a year ago. Moldova supports the creation of a special international tribunal that will investigate and prosecute the aggression and crimes committed by Russia in Ukraine. We will stand by Ukraine and support it until victory.

The Republic of Moldova is today protected by the shield of Ukrainian heroes. Europe is strong because of its unity and the firmness with which it defends peace and people's lives.

The Republic of Moldova, affected by the war, but also by hybrid attacks, orchestrated by the Kremlin, aimed at weakening our determination to remain part of the free world, is the most vulnerable neighbor of Ukraine. The support of our partners, especially Bucharest and Berlin, is highly appreciated.

Thank you for your support for peace, prosperity and our European future. For its part, the Republic of Moldova ensures - together with Ukraine - the security of over 1,200 km of the European border.

Some wanted Moldova to fall and thus weaken Ukraine and the European Union. Moldova stands upright. Our citizens have not only withstood a very difficult time, we have become stronger. We've been home to hundreds of thousands of refugees, we've escaped Russian gas blackmail, we've helped people pay their exorbitant energy bills. And, most importantly, we stood by European values, freedom and democracy. Moldova showed the whole world that we are a European country, which contributes to a stronger Europe.

We will continue to ensure our country's energy independence and connect to the European transport infrastructure. Romania and Germany are important development partners for us to achieve these goals.

You support us in the process of transforming the country; we, in turn, provide opportunities for significant investment in growing our economy and developing local communities. The emergency budget support, offered by Bucharest and Berlin last winter, allowed us to be with the most vulnerable citizens during the winter months.

Mr. President, Mr. Federal Chancellor, I convey my gratitude to you and that of my fellow citizens for your support, which has shown us once again that we are not alone. This is what the European Union means - having friends you can count on.

In the big European family - that's where the Republic of Moldova belongs, and we are grateful to you for the support given to our path towards joining the EU. We continue to rely on the guidance and support of your countries to achieve the initiation of EU accession negotiations.

I want to thank Romania for proposing the creation of a sanctions regime against those who want to destabilize the Republic of Moldova, and we count on the support of the other member states of the European Union.

Despite the unprecedented challenges that the Republic of Moldova is now facing, we continue to implement reforms. This year, our priorities are the reconstruction of the economy, energy security and the strengthening of state security, the reform of the judiciary and the improvement of the standard of living in Moldova's localities.

We appreciate here the joint initiative of Germany, Romania and France to create a Support Platform for Moldova, to help our country overcome the crises we are facing.

The three editions of the Platform brought together dozens of countries and international organizations, which announced their support for the Republic of Moldova. We continue to count on the support of our partners. The next edition of the Platform will take place, this fall, in Chisinau.

On June 1, the Republic of Moldova will host the meeting of the European Political Community. The event will bring together 50 heads of state and government from Europe and leaders of the European Union.

For us, hosting this summit is a reconfirmation of Moldova's commitment to European values, but also of our country's role in finding sustainable solutions for the challenges we all face today. Mr. President, Mr. Federal Chancellor, on June 1, I am waiting for you in Chisinau.

In difficult times, when our values are under attack and questioned by authoritarian regimes, democratic countries must work together and help each other. Moldova will continue to be a defender of freedom and human dignity and a reliable partner in the region. Together we are stronger. Transparency, openness and humanity will overcome fear, mistrust and tyranny and give people the chance to live in freedom, safety and prosperity.