Press Statement by President Maia Sandu at the Prague reunion of the European Political Community

Dear Prime Minister Fiala, 

Dear President Emmanuel Macron,

Ladies and gentlemen,

I would like to thank the Czech EU Presidency for hosting the first meeting of the European Political Community, an initiative launched under the French EU Presidency by President Macron, that Moldova is happy to be part of. It is a journey for the wider Europe that we embark on today.

We see the European Political Community as a platform to strengthen our collective trust and solidarity. As we establish the EPC in these difficult times, one of its first objectives is to act together so that sustainable peace and respect for international law are restored everywhere on the European continent. Securing our borders and keeping our people safe remains one of our main priorities. 

We can achieve peace only by acting together and showing solidarity during these moments of hardship. This starts with helping Ukraine restore its territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders. 

We are united in condemning Russian aggression against Ukraine and the illegal annexation of its territories. We are united in our commitment to help Ukraine uphold its sovereignty. 

Further efforts are needed to strengthen European security in the mid- and long-term. Energy security and affordability was the other important topic we have discussed. And we should not allow the energy crisis to undermine our democracies. 

The road ahead is not easy, and only together can we solve these challenges. We’ll make it through this winter, Europe will come out of it much stronger and we will be ready to welcome you next spring in Moldova. 

Moldova is very keen to host the next summit of the European Political Community in Chisinau. Hosting the second summit of the EPC in Moldova, an Eastern neighbor and a recent candidate to join the EU, is a sign of support we highly value. 

We look forward to welcoming you at the next meeting in Chisinau to advance our work and cooperation within the EPC. Making Europe stronger and more resilient needs to be a continuous endeavor.