Statement by the President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, on signing the decree to dissolve the Parliament

Dear citizens, several minutes ago I signed the decree to dissolve the Parliament.
I took this decision to open the path to giving people the chance to elect a new Parliament that will serve the interests of the country and of the people. Power is now in the hands of the people. Power is in your hands. I am confident that our citizens will choose the right path and pave the way towards building a developed and democratic state, where people can live in peace and prosperity.
New elections to Parliament were set for 11 July 2021. We must end as soon as possible the chaos in which the current Parliament has been holding us in. After the elections, we will appoint a responsible government, backed by a stable majority, and we will make things right in Moldova. We will get out of the crisis, it will get better, and all the state institutions will work for the people.
The government will allocate from the state budget the necessary financial resources for the preparation and conduct of elections.
What follows is a lot of work. Citizens have won the right to decide their future, but the responsibility for this future lies on the shoulders of each of us. The struggle to clean up the public system, to clean up the political class, to stop thefts, the fight for justice will be fierce, but we are on the right track. We are getting closer to ending the chaos some have tried very hard to maintain and deepen to continue robbing us. We now have the chance to pave the way to normalcy - let's use it wisely.