Press statement by President Maia Sandu at the joint press conference after the Bucha Summit

Dear President Zelenskyy, 

Your excellencies,

We gathered here today to honor the courage and resolve of all Ukrainians who lost their lives to defend their homes and families, their way of living, their country, their independence.

Common mass graves, heavy destruction of residential areas, children’s playgrounds, civil facilities, shocked the entire world.

Whereas Bucha today starts returning to normal life, the memory of war crimes committed by the Russian military remains burning and unhealed.

We stand here today to condemnin the strongest possible terms the atrocious crimes committed on the territory of Ukraine, to garner international support for investigation efforts, and to look for ways how to hold perpetrators accountable. 

In the 21st century, there is no place for war crimes or torture, and we, the democratic states, must act decisively. It is within our international legal obligations not to let the perpetrators act without impunity.

On March the 2nd, the Parliament of Moldova adopted the “Declaration on the Aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine." 

We fully support the initiative of creating a Special Tribunal for the crimes of aggression against Ukraine. Today, we have signed the Bucha Declaration, attesting our strong commitment to this call for justice. 

We also confirm our support for the 10-point Peace Formula, proposed by you, President Zelenskyy, to restore peace. 

As Russia’s brutal war drags on for over 400 days now, Ukraine is not alone. We stand together. Our strength, as democracies, is in our capacity to tend and care for one another, to help with what we can in times of need, and to defend our shared values of humanity, democracy, freedom and justice.

Since the start of the war, nearly 1 million Ukrainians sought refuge in my country. We continue to help the nearly 100,000 Ukrainians who chose Moldova as their temporary home. We will provide shelter to any Ukrainian in need, for as long as it takes for them to return home safely.

We will continue to support Ukraine on the international stage, to provide humanitarian aid, and to work together to implement initiatives like the Solidarity Lanes to help you go through these darkest times, President Zelenskyy. We will continue to stand by you for as long as it’s needed. 

That is because democracies do not give up. When we are under attack, our commitment to our values and to one another makes us stronger, not weaker. 

I take this opportunity, President Zelenskyy, to reiterate Moldova’s unwavering support for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.

Ukraine will win this unjust war. It will recover its territories. We will remain part of the free world, and we will be part of the European family of democratic states. 

Thank you - and Слава Україні!