Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

Message of congratulation to His Majesty Philippe, King of Belgians

Your Majesty,

I have the honor and special pleasure to address to you, on behalf of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova and my own, the sincerest congratulations on the National Day of the Kingdom of Belgium, accompanied by wishes of peace and prosperity to the Belgian people.

In this festive context, I would like to express my high appreciation for the excellent interaction between our states and to emphasize the importance that the Republic of Moldova attaches to the development of the partnership with the Kingdom of Belgium, from a bilateral and multidimensional point of view.

I am glad to note that, over the years, I have had many opportunities to show feelings of friendship and solidarity between our countries and I am convinced that in the future the dialogue between the Republic of Moldova and the Kingdom of Belgium will advance in the same spirit of good understanding and mutual respect.

Recalling with satisfaction the constructive exchange of views I had with Your Majesty, both on topical issues and on priority topics on the bilateral agenda, during my working visit to Brussels This March, I assure you, in this way, of the full openness and commitment of my country to contribute to the further development and strengthening of Moldovan-Belgian cooperation, in line with the expectations of our citizens.

Reiterating my cordial congratulations, I would like you to accept, Your Majesty, the assurance of my highest consideration.