Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

Moldovan, American officials broach bilateral ties

President Nicolae Timofti today met American congressman, Chairman of the House Small Business Committee, member of the U.S. House of Representatives' Committee on Foreign Affairs  Steve Chabot, the presidential press service has reported.

The issues on the meeting's agenda were focused on the bilateral relation, especially economic issues.

Nicolae Timofti appreciated the U.S. support for Moldova's development, including to continue the European integration.

He thanked the American official for successful implementation of the Compact Programme, due to which roads and irrigation systems had been built. The president voiced hope that the programme would have continuity in Moldova.

Congressman Chabot said that Moldova would further benefit from the USA's support, provided that the reforms are continued and the situation in the financial, economic sector and judicial system are improving. 

"My visit is part of a tour comprising Moldova, Latvia, Hungary and Estonia. The fact that I started the string of visits with your country shows the special attention and support the USA is paying to Moldova in its European integration," he said.

Another issue tackled at the meeting was the importance of Moldova's energy independence from Russia. In this context, the president highlighted the need to continue the construction of the Iasi-Chisinau gas pipeline, backed by Romania and EU.

Nicolae Timofti and Steve Chabot discussed the regional security as well.