Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

Moldovan president lays flowers to bust of great national poet

Today, when there are 167 years since the birth of the great poet Mihai Eminescu, Igor Dodon, the president of the Republic of Moldova, accompanied by presidential advisors, laid flowers at the bust of the writer on Alley of Classics in Public Garden "Stefan cel Mare" in Chisinau.

"I put flowers at the bust of poet Mihai Eminescu today. I think, we should all be proud that we have such personalities in the history of our people. It was written and said a lot about Eminescu, and there is no need to repeat the well-known things, I just want to point out that his work must be transmitted from generation to generation, similar we do with our Christian religion, as far as the literary works of Mihai Eminescu also have shaped and represent us very much.

The poem which, in my opinion, best of all reflects the situation of our country is "Criticilor mei" (To my critics) and I address it to my critics," said Igor Dodon.

"Multe flori sînt, dar puține

Rod în lume o să poarte,

Toate bat la poarta vieții,

Dar se scutur multe moarte.

E ușor a scrie versuri

Cînd nimic nu ai a spune,

Înșirînd cuvinte goale

Ce din coadă au să sune."

(Plenty flowers are, but few

Fruit to world have to bear,

All knock at the gate of life,

But so many shake dead only.

It is easy writing verses

When you have nothing to say,

Spreading just words empty,

Which have to sound out of tail.)

The President added that along with Christian morality, good education and training, the culture has had and will have a decisive role in formation of worthy people, who have to be part of an integrated society.

The President announced that in the near future, he will initiate some cultural projects, bringing closer to all the artistic creations of the past and the modern ones. "I will be a president who will support cultural and educational projects, not just through mere declarations and encouragement, but also by means of acts,"