Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

On the initiative of the President, was developed a Handbook of Folk craftsmen of the Republic of Moldova

"Handbook of Folk craftsmen of the Republic of Moldova" was developed in response to numerous requests from our citizens from abroad received by the Presidency of the Republic of Moldova.

"This" Handbook "is intended for you - those who left their home - in recognition of your invaluable role in the preservation and promotion of folk traditions and the Moldovan cultural heritage. Traditional values should serve as a link between the Republic of Moldova and Moldovan communities abroad, "the head of state said.

The President of the Republic of Moldova stressed that Moldovans are people with a rich spiritual culture and immortal traditions and customs. "The wealth of our country - loyal, friendly people, with their talent and wisdom promoting Moldovan traditions, folklore, national costume are the true treasures of our history," the head of state noted.

The President of the Republic of Moldova expressed the hope that the information contained in the Handbook will justify the expectations of each Moldovan and its publication, providing support for folk craftsmen, and will contribute to the development of folk crafts in the Republic of Moldova.