Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

Moldovan president conveys message on Memorial Day

President Nicolae Timofti today conveyed a message on commemorating the victims of the war of Transnistria.

The message reads:

“Dear fellow citizens,

On this day, 2 March, we remember the hard times in our state’s history and commemorate the best and most capable of us.

Certainly, the armed conflict triggered by the breakaway forces, openly supported by Russia, marked the fate of our country. We feel the effects of the secession at present too. History will set everything in its place, but everyone must know that we will never give up reunifying the country, as this would mean for us to accept injustice and ignore the blood spilled by our brave fighters in Transnistria.

Twenty four 24 years ago, about 300 fighters were killed, and another several hundreds were injured, after having legitimately resisting separatism.

On this day of memory, it is good to remember the past, in order not to be condemned to repeat it and we express our deep gratitude to all participants in the war of Transnistria, who fought and sacrificed themselves for the integrity and sovereignty of Moldova.

Our country’s priority is the settlement of the frozen conflict by peaceful means, in order to ensure security of Moldovans from both banks of Dniester. The observance of the 1999 OSCE Summit Declaration on removing the Russian military presence from Moldova would be a first step to this end. Also, we are always open and cooperative for the dialogue on improving the format of talks.


Also today, presidential advisers participated in events dedicated to Memorial Day and laid flowers at the Grieving Mother monument at the Eternity memorial venue.