Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

Moldovan president conveys message on 58th anniversary of foundation of Moldova 1 TV station

The mass media, with its potential of persuasion and influence, presently has become an active factor in the democratic and information society. The power of the Word and opinion, broadcast via different communication means, may compete with any other power, even with the political one. It is not by accident that the press, with good reason, has acquired the status of the fourth state power, along with the legislative, executive and judicial ones.       

At the same time, the press has become not only a competitor, but also an instrument in the hands of political actors. In these conditions, the ensuring of the pluralism of opinions and objective coverage of social and political events becomes a difficult exercise and a serious test for the morality of those who practice journalism.

This major task fully belongs to the Public Television, which marks the 58th anniversary of the launch of its first signals. The first television of Moldova reported about the most important moments of our country’s history, and also abode, along with the people, phenomena inherent to the totalitarian age – censorship and propaganda.     

The Declaration of Sovereignty and Independence of Moldova provided new opportunities and responsibilities for an institution which was to promote the national values, culture and traditions. Moldova 1 broadcast original shows and concerts from our cultural buildings, historical moments from the activity of the first parliament of Moldova, the one of Independence, thus becoming an intellectual wealth of the people.   

Presently, the Public Television represents our stake in the process of dissemination of information on advantages our country will have as a result of the implementation of democratic reforms and advancement on the European way. This is the only solution of the Moldovan people to aspire to a decent living and a bright future for our children.

On the occasion of the Public Television Day, I wish everybody who is doing their jobs with dignity health, personal happiness, creative and fighting spirit, and the worth Truth should be the unit of measure of everything you broadcast us, the TV viewers.