Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

Nicolae Timofti: “Russia’s actions represent an unfriendly act”

President of the Republic of Moldova Nicolae Timofti commented today, 11 September current year, on the evolution of the relations between Moldova and Russia at a today’s ad-hoc news briefing.

Asked by journalists to comment on the embargo imposed by the Russian authorities on the wine produced in Moldova, the president said:

“The Russian side’s actions represent an unfriendly, non-Christian, disloyal act. I do not know the true reason of this decision – it is either about wine quality or a coincidence with the nearing of the Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius. If Russia resorts to such levers for the Moldova to be with the Russian Federation, it is their business. Therefore, we will take actions to have alternative sources of gas, as well as other sales markets. We cannot depend on one single partner”.

Referring to the Constitutional Court’s decision to suspend the government's decision regarding the lease of the Chisinau International Airport before the case is settled on the merits and a final decision is issued, President Nicolae Timofti said:

„I have never commented and I will not comment on a decision of a court, when the case is still pending. I cannot speak about a notification which is to be considered. This is only within the competence of the Constitutional Court”.