Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

President meets Romanian counterpart at Chisinau Airport

President Nicolae Timofti today met Romanian President Traian Basescu, on a working visit to Moldova, at the Chisinau Airport. The two heads of state will have a face-to-face meeting today afternoon.

President Nicolae Timofti made the following press statement:

“Your Excellency, Mr. President Traian Basescu,.

Dear fellow countrymen,.

Ladies and gentlemen,.

President Traian Basescu has come to Chisinau to encourage us in a historical moment for Moldova’s destiny. Our country today in Vilnius initialled the Association Agreement with the European Union, which offers a clear prospect for our integration into the EU space.

Pr. President, I want you to know that the valuable support of Romania and yours personally matters very much for us to implement this strategic project.

Romania, along with other friends of our country, has constantly and firmly advocated the cause of Moldova. In this way, we have been able to quickly advance on the European integration path.

Other positive events, more important for our country’s citizens, come on the next period. I express satisfaction that our brothers from Romania are beside us both for better and for worse.

I assure you, Mr. President Basescu, that we will be able to appreciate this support.

I also thank you for the invitation you made me to visit Romania on the day after tomorrow, 1 December, to participate in the events dedicated to the National Holiday of Romania. I am happy to accept this invitation and to meet again in Bucharest.”.