Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

The Head of State discussed with the President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Frank-Walter Steinmeier

The President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, had a phone call with the President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Frank-Walter Steinmeier. The counterparts discussed the current situation in our region, as well as the socio-economic consequences of the war in Ukraine. The Head of State thanked President Steinmeier for Germany's help in managing the refugee flow and its support for the development projects.

The two heads of state also discussed the reform process in our country. President Steinmeier confirmed Germany's support for the changes initiated by the authorities, which will improve people's lives and contribute to Moldova's European agenda implementation. President Maia Sandu said that our country needs broad support for its European aspirations and that she counts on Germany's support in this regard.