Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

President Maia Sandu: "We have the support of Romania and Germany in realizing our country project - joining the EU"

The head of state affirms that the Republic of Moldova has true friends, who stand by us unconditionally: “Yesterday, in Bucharest, I participated in a trilateral meeting with the President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, and the Federal Chancellor of Germany, Olaf Scholz. Thanks to the support of Romania and Germany, we were able to overcome the difficulties of the winter more easily - we provided the country with the necessary electricity and gas and we were able to offer people compensation for paying the bills".

President Maia Sandu emphasizes that thanks to the help provided by Romania and Germany we are able to invest more in the development of our villages and towns and to support small and medium-sized enterprises. "Romania and Germany are among the biggest investors in our country, contributing to the creation of new jobs and to our economic development.

At yesterday's meeting, both countries reconfirmed their political support for the Republic of Moldova. We have the support of Romania and Germany in attaining our country project - joining the EU, but also for overcoming the current challenges related to the war in Ukraine and the destabilization attempts launched by the Russian Federation against our state", said the President.

At the same time, the head of state believes that in these difficult times, when our values are attacked and threatened by authoritarian regimes, democratic countries must work together and help each other. "Moldova will continue to be a defender of freedom and human dignity and a reliable partner in the region. Together we are stronger! Transparency, openness and humanity will always defeat fear, mistrust and tyranny, giving people the chance to live in freedom, peace and well-being", concluded President Maia Sandu.