Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

President Maia Sandu and the Slovak Head of State spoke with the refugees

The President of the Republic of Moldova Maia Sandu together with the President of Slovakia Zuzana Čaputová visited this afternoon the placement centre "Moldexpo".

The Slovakian humanitarian aid consignment arrived today at the centre.

The two Heads of State discussed with the Centre's administration, the volunteers and some of the refugees - grandparents, mothers, children. The refugees thanked the Moldovan authorities for the conditions created, the tasty food and the warmth with which Moldovan citizens received them, saying that their greatest wish is to return home as soon as possible and rebuild their country. President Maia Sandu wished them much courage, assuring them that Moldova will continue to stand by them and together we will pray for peace.

After the visit to Moldexpo, the Head of State and President Zuzana Čaputová went to the lake in “Valea Morilor”. "We said goodbye with the promise of a new meeting, in a more peaceful time for the whole world, and of new joint projects", said President Maia Sandu.