Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

President Maia Sandu: "Poland is a reliable friend of the Republic of Moldova"

President Maia Sandu met today with President Andrzej Duda, who was on a working visit to Chisinau. The two Heads of State discussed the security situation in the region caused by the devastating war in Ukraine and the chain of crises it has caused.

During the talks, the dignitaries reaffirmed their common aspiration for dialogue and the restoration of peace, while expressing the hope that the war will cease and people will be able to return to their homes to rebuild their country. "Both Moldova and Poland are neighbouring countries of Ukraine, with deep historical, human and economic ties. In the last three weeks, both Moldova and Poland have been hosting a very large number of refugees, to whom we have offered shelter and safety," said President Maia Sandu.

The Head of State thanked President Andrzej Duda for the 20 million euros interest-free loan, which will be offered to our country, but also for the political support within the European institutions and for our European course. President Maia Sandu also expressed her appreciation for Poland's readiness to support Moldova in its efforts to open the European Union market for Moldovan exporters who have lost markets in the East due to the war. "Poland is a reliable friend of the Republic of Moldova, the proof is that we are supported even during these difficult times", said President Maia Sandu.