Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

President Maia Sandu met with the President of the Bundestag of the Federal Republic of Germany, Bärbel Bas

The head of state met yesterday in Chisinau with the President of the Bundestag of the Federal Republic of Germany, Bärbel Bas. This is the second visit of a President of the Bundestag to Moldova since the establishment of diplomatic relations between our countries.

During the meeting, President Maia Sandu declared that Germany is an important and faithful partner of the Republic of Moldova. "German investments provide jobs for thousands of Moldovans. Germany is financing water supply and sanitation projects in several localities in the country and supports projects for small and medium-sized enterprises. This winter, Germany contributed 40 million euros to the Energy Vulnerability Reduction Fund, from which compensation was offered for the payment of energy bills," the President said. As well, the head of state emphasized that, recently, additional non-refundable aid was announced for renewable energy production and energy efficiency projects. These and many other projects mean concrete benefits for our citizens.

German partners are helping us to strengthen the defence and home affairs sectors to provide more security for our citizens. Germany also supports our goal of European integration and helps us to consolidate the capacities of state institutions to advance faster on this path. "I thanked President Bas for the excellent cooperation and expressed my belief that, with the support of Germany and other democratic states, our country will remain part of the free world, to be able to ensure peace and well-being for its citizens," said the President Maia Sandu.