Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

Moldovan president promulgates law on amending, completing state budget law for 2015

President Nicolae Timofti promulgated the law on amending and completing the state budget law for 2015, adopted by the parliament to adjust the budget indexes to revenues and expenses, given the macroeconomic evolutions, review the grants, temporarily freeze the budget support by development partners and forecasts by late 2015, the presidential press service has reported.

The state budget provides for financial means to increase wages for teaching staff starting from 1 September, in proportion of increase in estimated average salary per national economy for 2015 against average wage of teaching staff recorded in the fourth quarter of 2014.

There are scheduled additional means for increasing amount of social aid and assistance for cold season, in connection with the increase in electricity and gas rates.    

At the same time, the law sees cutting capital expenditures by 32.2 per cent, namely by:

-          300 million lei, initially planned for designing the Ungheni-Chisinau gas pipeline.

-          485 million lei from road fund.

-          130.9 million lei, expenses due to be covered from the grant for justice reform.

-          122.7 million lei from energy efficiency fund.

The president expressed concern about the cuts, especially, as regards amending the budget in energy sector. He asks the parliament and government to identify financial resources in 2016 to raise salaries in the budgetary sector, social protection expenses and capital expenditures, including to complete designing and building works of Ungheni-Chisinau gas pipeline, an extremely important project for strengthening state energy independence.