Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

Moldovan president holds parliamentary consultations

Moldovan President Nicolae Timofti today held parliamentary consultations on the appointment of a new candidate for the position of prime minister, the presidential press service has reported.

Attending the talks were leaders of the Democratic Party (PDM) and Liberal Party (PL), as well as representatives of the Liberal Democratic Party (PLDM) and unaffiliated MPs of the Social-Democratic Platform.

Democrat leader Marian Lupu informed the president of the new parliamentary majority made of 56 MPs, which will submit a candidate for the position of prime minister within two days, by 13 January.

The parliamentary coalition is to be formalized in compliance with the ruling of the Constitutional Court of 29 December 2015, according to which “besides being declared, the parliamentary majority shall also be formalized, along with the names of its MPs and their availability to back a certain candidate for the position of prime minister. The president shall be officially notified of this act.”

During the consultations, Timofti reiterated his request that parties and parliamentary groups involved in the selection of a candidate for the office of prime minister, take into account the ruling of the Constitutional Court of 22 April 2013, according to which “every political mandate should comply with high integrity standards” and “the appointment of persons with a doubtful integrity to leading positions, runs counter to the principles of the rule-of-law state”. The president also said the candidate for the office of prime minister should not raise any corruption suspicions or concerns.