Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

Nicolae Timofti had a meeting with the World Bank Executive Director for the Republic of Moldova, Frank Heemskerk

President of the Republic of Moldova Nicolae Timofti had today, 16 September current year, a meeting with the World Bank Executive Director for the Republic of Moldova, Frank Heemskerk, on his first visit to Chisinau, at the State Residence.

President Nicolae Timofti expressed his satisfaction with the current level of cooperation between the Republic of Moldova and the World Bank. “We want to develop economic cooperation projects with the European Union states with the World Bank’s support”, said the head of state.

Nicolae Timofti stressed the importance of the reforms that will allow Moldova advancing on the path of the EU integration. “Reforming the judicial system and creating an attractive investment climate for businesspeople are the priorities of the Moldovan authorities”, said Nicolae Timofti.

World Bank Executive Director for Moldova Frank Heemskerk welcomed the current government’s efforts to modernise the country. The official said the World Bank’s partnership offered to the Republic of Moldova would allow improving the living standards of the citizens. “The World Bank will provide solutions to upgrade the country’s business environment, to attract foreign investors and implement modern standards in agriculture. Enhancing the competitiveness of the Moldovan products on foreign markets, diversifying energy supply sources and improving the quality of education will allow the Republic of Moldova aspiring to a better future”, said Frank Heemskerk.

During the discussion, Nicolae Timofti and Frank Heemskerk addressed other issues regarding the relationship of the Republic of Moldova with the World Bank.