Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

Moldovan president signs decree on withdrawal of Moldova's citizens from former Romanian head of state

President Igor Dodon today signed a decree on withdrawal of Moldova’s citizenship from the former Romanian president, Traian Basescu.

The concerned decree was based on a piece of information, provided by the Interior Ministry, Security and Intelligence Service, appeal by the Information Technology and Communications Ministry, as well as a decision by the commission for issues of citizenship and providing political asylum under the President of Moldova, under which the ground for withdrawal of Moldova’s citizenship was ascertained, provided for in the Article 23, paragraph 1, letter a) of Moldova’s law on citizenship No 1024 from 2 June 2000, according to which the Moldovan citizenship can be withdrawn under a decree by the president of Moldova, from a person who got Moldova’s citizenship fraudulently by false information or hiding a pertinent fact.     

Thus, it was found out that, both at the moment considering the application of Traian Basescu and at present, there were impediments in getting Moldova’s citizenship, on the basis of the Article 20, paragraph 1, letter c) of Moldova’s law on citizenship No 1024 from 2 June 2000 and namely – Traian Basescu, who was prosecuted on more counts in Romania, hid this essential fact, which represents a reason for withdrawing the citizenship based on the aforementioned legal norm.