Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

Igor Dodon went to Gagauzia with a working visit

President of the Republic of Moldova Igor Dodon is in a visit to Gagauzia - in Comrat, Ceadir-Lung and Bessarb districts.

The working agenda of the visit includes numerous meetings with local administrations, ordinary citizens and work collectives.

During the trip, the head of state will evaluate social projects implemented through the First Lady Charity Fund "Din Suflet" and the National Campaign "I Love Moldova", etc.

Thus, Igor Dodon visited the kindergartens of the villages Dezginzha, Beshalma and Kongaz, who received the necessary assistance in the framework of the national campaign in order to support the preschool institutions of the country, launched by the First Lady Fund.

In response to requests from the administration and parents, kindergartens from Dezginzhi and Beshalma received furniture and children's playgrounds, and the kindergarten in the village of Kongaz received help to repair the roof.

Both parents and children, as well as the administration of kindergartens, thanked for the assistance provided by the Charity Fund in solving the problems they face with.

The President of the country noted that the joy and satisfaction given by these children is the motivation for making every effort to create a healthy and comfortable environment for learning and development.