Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

The President will raise the question of the laws repeatedly adopted by the parliament for discussion in a broad format

Igor Dodon held a meeting with the members of the Council of Civil Society under the President of the Republic of Moldova to discuss the current situation with the package of laws on which the parliament held a second vote and handed it over to the President for promulgation. 

The meeting was attended by the Chairman of the Commission on Integrity and Legal Expertise Pavel Midrigan, the Chairman of the Commission on Constitutionality and Human Rights Dumitru Pulbere, the Chairman of the Commission for Strengthening the Statehood and Reintegration of the Country Victor Stepaniuc and other specialists. The Head of State noted that the laws, not promulgated by him, for which the parliament urgently held a repeat vote, touched upon the issues of paramount importance for the country. 

“In this regard, we decided that this issue should be discussed in a wider format, during which the final decision would be made”, - Igor Dodon wrote on his page in the social network. 

Let's remind that previously the trustee of the Head of State Ion Cheban noted that Igor Dodon reserved the right not to promulgate some laws or challenge them in the Constitutional Court.