Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

Current issues in the country and in the region discussed by President Maia Sandu during bilateral meetings in Munich

On the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference, which ends today, Moldovan President Maia Sandu held several bilateral meetings. The Head of State met with political leaders, representatives of security organisations and business representatives.

President Maia Sandu held talks with Olaf Scholz, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany; Kiril Petkov, the new Prime Minister of Bulgaria; Jurgen Stock, Secretary General of INTERPOL; Johannes Hahn, European Commissioner for Budget and Administration; Mircea Geoană, Deputy Secretary General of NATO; representatives of the Open Society Foundation; Jared Cohen, Executive Director of Jigsaw Google; Christoph Heusgen, future President of the Munich Conference.

During the discussions, the interlocutors exchanged views on recent developments in the region and the role the international community has in addressing these challenges. They also discussed topical issues related to the everyday concerns of our citizens, as well as Moldova's internal challenges.

In this context, the Head of State mentioned inflation and high prices which, together with the energy crisis, continue to affect people's well-being, as well as the risks represented by the evolutions in the region. Another topic discussed at the Munich meetings was the investment opportunities offered by the Republic of Moldova and how development partners could help us improve the quality of life of our citizens and advance our European course.