Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

Under the patronage of the President Moldova will host the Forum of Ethnicities on April 21

The Head of State held a working meeting with representatives of the initiative group for holding the Forum of Ethnic Groups of the Republic of Moldova, timed for the celebration of the Year of Stefan the Great.

The meeting was attended by Elena Belyakova, Chairperson of the Commission on Interethnic Relations of the Public Council under the President, as well as the leaders of the Russian, Ukrainian, Gagauz, Bulgarian, Azerbaijani, Belarusian, Greek communities.

The forum will be held on April 21, 2018, under the patronage of the President of the Republic of Moldova, at the Palace of the Republic. The Forum is organized by the Commission on Interethnic Relations of the Council of Civil Society under the President of the Republic of Moldova in conjunction with the leaders of the republican and territorial ethno-cultural organizations.

Igor Dodon noted that the theme of the forum - the preservation and development of the statehood of the Republic of Moldova, which is a home for representatives of all ethnic groups living here - was very relevant for our country.

"I expressed my confidence that holding such events helped to awaken in the minds of all the people of Moldova, regardless of ethnicity, a sense of unity, cohesion, and readiness to confront any risks, decisions and actions directed against the statehood of the Republic of Moldova," the President said.