Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

The Head of State welcomes Constitutional Court members’ resignation.

President of the Republic of Moldova, Igor Dodon, welcomes judicious decision, although late, of members of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova to resign. However, this solution was the only reasonable one in the currency, but one much expected not only at the national level.

The political bodies entrusted with the appointment of judges are to proceed as a matter of urgency to the procedures related to the appointment of judges of the High Court.

Appointment of new judges is an objective of high importance in the light of the latest national events, but also of the opinions expressed by the external partners. Thus, this exercise should be focused on the criteria of integrity, professionalism, irreproachability and last but not least objectivity.

The Head of State expressed his belief in the fact that new Constitutional Court’s structure will be independent, will achieve the noble mission of guarantee of Constitution’s supremacy, will only obey the Supreme Law and for all costs will exclude political influence and “backstage games”.