Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

Message to CoE Secretary-General Ms. Marija Pejčinović on Moldova CoE Accession 25th Anniversary

Dear Madam Secretary-General,

It is a great pleasure for me to address this message on the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the Council of Europe.

On July 13, 1995, the young sovereign and independent state of Moldova became a full member of the Council of Europe committing itself to respecting and applying the values and principles of the Organization, which was the guarantor of democracy, the rule of law and human rights in Europe. Based on its obligations and with the constant support of European experts, the Republic of Moldova has embarked on transformations by bringing national legislation into line with European standards on democratic institutions and human rights, launching processes and mechanisms to ensure freedom of expression and association, political pluralism, free and fair elections, strengthening the space of civil society and freedom of the press.

Today, after twenty-five years, thanks to the support of the Council of Europe, the Republic of Moldova is stronger and better prepared to face multiple challenges, including moving to a new stage of political dialogue and post-monitoring in relation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization. In this respect, the success of actions launched with the assistance of Council of Europe structures, including the Venice Commission in the field of justice and the fight against corruption, will be crucial for internal developments in strengthening democratic institutions and the rule of law. For more than two decades, the voice of the Republic of Moldova has been heard in European multilateralism, contributing to the advancement of cooperation and the establishment of new standards, in order to meet common challenges.

Using this beautiful opportunity, I want to confirm our commitment to promoting the values of the Council of Europe and express my deep gratitude for the support provided throughout the state of the Republic of Moldova through assistance programs that have intensified democratic transformations and modernization of the country.

Reiterating the invitation to visit the Republic of Moldova to mark together the existing partnership, Please accept, Madam Secretary-General, the assurance of my highest consideration.