Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

Message of congratulation to President of Romania Klaus Werner Iohannis


It gives me great pleasure to send you the warmest and sincerest congratulations on your birthday.

I use this opportunity to express the conviction that the existing relations of friendship and cooperation between our countries will know, through joint efforts, a dynamic development, fortifying themselves in the natural bed of mutually beneficial collaboration, for the benefit of both states.

At the same time, I would like to express my special thanks to the Romanian people and to you personally for the support given to the Republic of Moldova in the fight against the spread of Covid-19. I believe that our common goal is to ensure security and increase the well-being of citizens.

I assure you that the Republic of Moldova will continue to make the necessary efforts to achieve this common goal in the spirit of the existing strategic partnership between our states.

Wishing you health, joy, long life and much growth in your activity of great responsibility, please accept, Excellency, the expression of my high consideration.