Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

The Head of State met today with Janez Lenarčič, European Commissioner for Crisis Management and Humanitarian Aid

President Maia Sandu met today with the EU Commissioner for Crisis Management and Humanitarian Aid Janez Lenarčič in Chisinau.

"This morning I received good news from Janez Lenarčič, the European Commissioner for crisis management and humanitarian aid - the Republic of Moldova is invited to become a full member of the Civil Protection Mechanism of the European Union. Thus, our rescuers will be able to help protect human lives, alongside European firefighters and rescuers, in crisis and emergency situations across the continent. We will receive the same support from the EU member countries", the head of state said.

Also today, Commissioner Lenarčič announced that the European Union is donating 36 electricity generators for 30 hospitals across the country and is providing €10 million in assistance to help refugees from Ukraine and their host families or communities. "Together with our European partners Moldova is becoming stronger and more resilient", concluded President Maia Sandu.